Why Are You Arguing with the World?

From: Richard Vance

Arguments and discord seem to prevail everywhere. Social media, news, and email inboxes are inundated with contentious disputes on politics, work, and personal issues. While healthy debates are constructive, frequent, and heated arguments prompt us to examine the underlying reasons behind such turmoil.

The first thing we should consider is what motivates us to engage in controversial discussions. Is it a genuine desire to express our opinions on topics that matter to us? Are we trying to challenge those who hold opposing views? Or are we simply drawn to conflict for its own sake? Our reasons for wanting to argue often reveal unmet needs that have a direct impact on our overall well-being.

It is important to evaluate how we argue. Do we truly want to hear the other person's perspective, or do we only want to express our own opinions? Is our approach respectful and considerate towards opposing ideas or do we resort to aggressive and intimidating behavior? Unfortunately, some notable figures today tend to adopt the latter approach, which is regrettable.

Finally, we need to consider our objectives when engaging in such contentious behaviors. Do we aim to express our thoughts or emotions that we had been suppressing or do we want to establish our dominance by diminishing our opponent in the argument?

We are encouraged to examine our actions and motivations honestly and humbly. Frequent conflicts may indicate underlying issues that require our attention. By engaging in sincere self-reflection and committing to positive change, we can attain peace and cultivate a more peaceful state of mind. Christ's message of love, compassion, and reconciliation guides us toward a path of harmonious interactions with others, promoting unity and understanding instead of discord and division.