Begin the Journey - Struggling with Porn?
7 Stone Strategy
7 Stone Strategy
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
A desire to change must come from the heart. Repentance has a reputation on the street as a quick act of forgiveness that comes with a get-out-of-jail card. This is bad religion - period.
In this stride toward the freedom from porn and a life of purity it's necessary to start and end with a list.
Accountability is the antidote to secrecy and keeps us from sliding back into hiding. When we hide from God, others, and ourselves - we open the door wide for relapse.
As we discussed in the beginning, God has promised to intervene and deliver supernatural change in your heart.
You have been supernaturally transformed by God's holy spirit to awaken your willpower! It's worth celebrating!
You've made it! The hard work has been done! Sustaining a clean life free from porn and impurity isn't nearly as difficult as breaking the bondage.