7 Summits Introduction

7 Summits Introduction

In the heart of men lies the desire for something greater. Some men are content to challenge themselves in their daily pursuits while others look at the most audacious of challenges and feel a stirring of conquest welling up from the soles of their shoes.

Generosity Comes in More Forms than One

Generosity Comes in More Forms than One

When we think of generosity, the initial association often involves a price tag, but this perception needs to be redefined. Generosity should not be synonymous with monetary wealth; there are far more profound and meaningful ways to express it.

Practicing Optimism for an Optimal State of Mind

Practicing Optimism for an Optimal State of Mind

Viewing life through the lens of Christ, one can perceive existence from the perspectives of realism, optimism, or pessimism. Extensive contemplation reveals that individuals often incline toward these innate tendencies, whether they lean towards optimism or pessimism. Remarkably, within the Christian perspective, we recognize the manifold advantages of nurturing an optimistic outlook guided by the teachings and example of Christ. These benefits encompass enhanced performance, reduced stress, improved overall well-being, and the promise of eternal life through faith in Him.

Kindness vs. naivete

Kindness vs. naivete

In the light of Christ, kindness is a sacred virtue, one among many, such as humility, generosity, and tolerance. Regrettably, our modern society has strayed far from its moral compass, often perceiving kindness as a weakness, if not a defect. It is viewed at best as naivety and, at worst, as silliness. To many, kindness has become an anomaly, if not a source of suspicion, in the hardening of human relationships over recent decades.

Why Are You Arguing with the World?

Why Are You Arguing with the World?

Arguments and discord seem to prevail everywhere. Social media, news, and email inboxes are inundated with contentious disputes on politics, work, and personal issues. While healthy debates are constructive, frequent, and heated arguments prompt us to examine the underlying reasons behind such turmoil.

A Better Healing Process

A Better Healing Process

Navigating life can be a tumultuous journey filled with unexpected challenges. Breakups, job loss, financial woes, and legal issues are just a few examples of the countless obstacles that can disrupt our peace and happiness.